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Children's Window

Children's Window designed by the children of Swaffham Prior C of E Primary School for the centenary of the dedication of the War Memorial Windows 21 December 2019

Centenary Celebration

21 December 2019 4:30pm Short event in St Mary's to commemorate the centenary of the Windows. Email for more information.

A book of poems

2017 Stain, by Nathalie F. Anderson includes several poems about the memorial windows in Swaffham Prior

Heritage Lottery Fund support

In 2014 and 2015 Swaffham Prior Primary School had Heritage Lottery Fund support to work with a professional writer and director to produce a play and other historical and creative works inspired by the windows and the lives they commemorate.

Public Lecture 14/11/14

14 November 2014 Lecture by Professor Jolyon Mitchell, University of Edinburgh, including material from his book: Promoting Peace, Inciting Violence: The Role of Religion and Media 2012

Through a Glass Darkly

14 September 1995 Through a Glass Darkly: a radio programme broadcast by BBC Radio 4 in its Document series, N Trevethick prod.

If you would like to explore a little further in the village, the Zion Baptist memorial plaque has been re-installed in the front garden of the former chapel on the High Street and may be viewed through the railings.  


Also, at the bottom of Cage Hill, you will find a memorial to the Land Girls who worked in Swaffham Prior during the Second World War, which was installed in 2014.


You may wish to commemorate the fallen with this prayer from the remembrance service:

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